
Sayagyi U Ba Khin and Mother Sayamagyi

Sayagyi U Ba Khin and Mother Sayamagyi

Anapana Meditation

Whenever we breathe in or out, the in-coming and the out-going air touches somewhere in or near the nostrils. The sensitive matter registers the touch of air. In this process, the entities touching are matter and the entity knowing the touch is mind. So, don’t go around asking others about mind and matter; observe your breathing and you will find out about them for yourselves.

When the air comes in, it will touch. When the air goes out, it will touch. If you know this touch continuously, then wanting, dislike, and delusion don’t have the opportunity to arise and the fires of greed, anger, and delusion will subside.

You cannot know the touch of air before it actually occurs. After it has gone, you cannot know it any more. Only while the air moves in or out can you feel the sensation of touch. This we call the present moment.

There is no reason why a good student in meditation should not be able to secure a calm mind in a few days of training.

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Vipassana Meditation

In Vipassana meditation the calmness and focus gained through the practice of anapana meditation are used to direct the attention inside and to observe in order to gain insight into the natural causes and effects.  Particular attention is given to the instability and impermanence of phenomena (anicca). The aim is to investigate through one’s own wisdom the true nature of all happenings, phenomena.

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